Project plans & slide diagrams - Page 16

Securely Publish YOUR Web Applications

The days of simply detecting and blocking generic attack traffic with a tool such as a web application firewall are gone.   Insurance companies, regulators, and CEOs/ boards require that companies understand and regularly discover and remove application-specific risks.


To do this successfully, companies require best-practice cybersecurity experts, tools, and standard operating procedures that are integrated with business and change management processes to balance security needs without compromising the prime directive of the business.  These processes need to be fire drilled so that incident response protocols are well practiced to deal effectively with incidents such new vulnerabilities and exploit releases eg. Log4j. Dec 21 required decisive action within hours.


Free trial
AWS Marketplace

Key benefits

  • Discovery and removal of YOUR reported web application risks
  • AWS Shield Advanced to scrub the largest DDoS attacks
  • Application specific configuration of AWS autoscaling with RedShield Bot Management algorithms 
  • RedShield development and maintenance of edge compute code objects to fix exploitable software flaws
  • RedShield configuration and maintenance of multiple AWS and/or F5 WAFs to provide virtual patching as required
  • Ongoing effectiveness to evolving attacks and end user incompatibility
  • Incident response for zero-days integrated with YOUR change management
  • Weekly risk measurement through simulated attacks, 24/7 log monitoring and analysis.
RedShield service and tech architecture (1)

Security, without compromising customer experience

Even the best tuned WAFs mathematically will make errors, meaning legitimate users may be blocked from accessing your application. The industry has responded to this reality with security sliders, where you can choose between security and compatibility.

RedShield believes you shouldn’t have to choose between delivering the highest level of security and delivering an exceptional customer experience. Our industry-leading false positive rate, 0.0002%, means legitimate users are very infrequently blocked; but when they are, our time average to resolution is just 15 minutes.

Application-specific protection for advanced attacks

RedShield’s difference lies in our ability to mitigate advanced attacks targeting your applications.

Our shields can modify software functionality, securing applications for all users, meaning your business operations and customer data is no longer at risk of exploitation.

And best of all? Shields are deployed without touching your code. RedShield does all of the heavy lifting - writing, deploying, and maintaining the shields.

We continually audit your application security controls, and if any vulnerabilities are discovered, we write and deploy shields to continually improve your defense posture. And if we find that you’re vulnerable to a new threat, we’ve got a head start.

Rapid, scalable deployment, across any environment

Regardless of where your internet-facing applications or APIs reside, they need to be secure. RedShield secures your applications and APIs, regardless of whether they are hosted on-premises or in the cloud. A simple change of DNS is all you need to get started.

A tuned and operated WAF comes as standard with every shielding plan

RedShield shields your application and API vulnerabilities from attack, so you can get on with business.

Shields are small blocks of code designed to fix an otherwise exploitable vulnerability in an application. We can get shields up and running in hours, with no integration required, no impact on legitimate application functionality, and without touching your code.

Integrating with your change management, incident management, and operational reporting procedures, RedShield’s AI-powered, expert-managed application shielding solution becomes an extension of your cybersecurity operation.

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