How secure are your valuable web-facing applications? Whilst maintaining a high level of security is difficult already, the asymmetry of tasks is enormous - your software teams have to patch and fix all their apps, and your security operations team has to protect your entire perimeter. Your adversary, on the other hand, only has to find one way in through any application.

With new application vulnerabilities being published at over 50 a day, the race starts again tomorrow.

For this reason Gartner continues to conclude that 90% of breaches will continue to occur through issues organizations know about but have not yet addressed.

Why does it matter? A growing number of regulators and courts are taking action on data breaches.

To lose information through an undiscovered flaw is viewed as negligence, whilst to know and not act is considered wilful neglect. In either case fines or worse are being imposed.

So what processes, skills and tools do you have? Are they wrapped into an effective Risk Discovery and Mitigation (RD&M) program? Is this program able to detect exploits and then patch, shield, or remediate your systems in the required time? Can this be achieved within realistic budgets?

In this guide, we explore the ways your web applications can be exploited and discuss the requirements that must be considered within the design and implementation of a best practice operational security program.

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Next article: Risk, resourcing, and legacy applications: Application security challenges for state and local government
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